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Final Defense of MS Thesis: Jordyn Watkins

Title: "Biomolecules and Volatile Organic Compounds"
By Jordyn Watkins |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Yidi Wang

Title: "Advancing Real-Time GPU Scheduling: Energy Efficiency and Preemption Strategies"

Final Defense of Dissertation: Jianyi Yang

Title: "Learning-Augmented Online Decision Making with Guaranteed Trustworthiness"
By Jianyi Yang |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Dripta S. Raychaudhuri

Title: "Learning to Adapt across Distribution and User Constraint Shifts for Static and Dynamic Tasks"
By Final Defense of Dissertation: Dripta S. Raychaudhuri |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Zhichao Liu

Title: " Toward Compliant Autonomous Robots that Leverage Physical Interactions with the Environment"
By Zhichao Liu |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Lu Shi

Title: "Data-Driven Modeling and Control via Koopman Operator Theory in Robotic Systems"
By Lu Shi |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Sriharsha Sudhindra

Title: "Preparation and Characterization of Composites with the Fillers Comprised of Low-Dimensional van der Waals Materials"
By Sriharsha Sudhindra |

Final Defense of MS Thesis: Sourabh Ramakrishna

Title: "Superconducting Multilayer VIA"
By Sourabh Ramakrishna |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Zhouqiao Zhao

Title: "A Connected Automation Enabled Cooperative Management Framework for Mixed Traffic"
By Zhouqiao Zhao |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Xishun (Heeson) Liao

Title: "Personalized Behavior-Aware Motion Planning Framework for Intelligent Vehicles Operation"
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ECE PhD student wins Materials Research Student Talk Award

Yitian Wang, a Ph.D. student from the Xi Chen group in Electrical and Computer Engineering, won the Recommended Oral Presentation prize at the 2023 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting Symposium CH03: Neutron Scattering-Enabled Energy Materials Design. The MRS meeting is the world’s foremost international scientific gathering for materials research. Wang's talk, "Intrinsically low thermal...

Final Defense of Dissertation: Yucheng Zheng

Title: "Sensing Approaches and Reconstruction Methods for Improved Lensless Imaging"

ECE Professor receives Amazon Research Award on Exploring Privacy in Deep Metric Learning

ECE Professor and Bourns Faculty Fellow Prof. Amit Roy-Chowdhury has recently received an Amazon Research Award on "Exploring privacy in deep metric learning: applications in computer vision". Deep Metric Learning (DML) aims to learn representations on which semantic relations can be expressed through predefined distance metrics. Despite its prevalence in a wide variety of privacy...

Final Defense of MS Thesis: Jonas Brown

Title: "Nanofabrication and Testing of 1T-TaS2 Charge-Density-Wave Quantum Devices"
By Jonas Brown |

A New Chapter of Ultrafast Devices with Transformative Functionalities

Among all terahertz systems that hold potential in bridging the "terahertz gap" between electronics and photonics, antiferromagnetic materials truly stand out because the quantum spin of antiferromagnetic magnons usually play decisive roles in physical processes, providing a natural connection between the spins of electrons and photons, which is essential for device engineering in the terahertz...

Final Defense of Dissertation: Jinwei Zhang

Title: "Power Modeling, Dynamic Thermal and Reliability Management for VLSI Systems"
By Jinwei Zhang |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Shuyuan Yu

Title: "Approximate and Stochastic Circuit Design with Improved Accuracy and Efficiency"
By Shuyuan Yu |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Wentian Jin

Title: " Machine Learning Approaches for VLSI Reliability Analysis"
By Wentian Jin |

Final Defense of Dissertation: Abhishek Aich

Title: "Towards Reliable Learning Systems: Efficient, Secure, and Generalizable Generative Models"
By Abhishek Aich |

Fariborz Kargar Leads NSF Project on Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors

Dr. Fariborz Kargar, Research Engineer and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) will serve as Principle Investigator for the newly funded National Science Foundation (NSF) project on Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors. Dr. Alexander Balandin, Distinguished Professor of ECE and UC Presidential Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering will collaborate as...